The Billionaire Who Walked Through My Gas Station

The Billionaire Who Walked Through My Gas Station

Another Aston Martin owner at a gas station, film director Steven Spielberg.

I was sitting in my Aston Martin waiting for a lane to be free in my local city gas station.
I use this one because it's the only station with the high octane fuel my car requires.

And as I sat there waiting for the car ahead to exit, I saw a figure I recognised through all the extensive publicity he gets by being one of our country's few billionaires.

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The Foolproof Aston Martin Method To Win The Lottery: The Before, During, After Steps

An Aston Martin DB7 like the one I looked at. Photo

I almost bought an Aston Martin up-country a few years back. Now, whatever I buy, I do all my purchases the same way... with structured Before, During and After steps.

Before I start seriously looking, I decide what model I want. The Aston Martin DB7 was attractive and appealing, and I had wanted one for some years after seeing the early James Bond films.

Then I invested during the research period and spent some serious investigating money. I found the color and specs I wanted in another city, and paid $600 to fly and get a cab to the owner's house.

In a minute I'll tell you about a strange coincidence involving his home.

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