I'm Finally Revealing Some Crazy Secret Numbers

$14 million is a lot of numbers, as these New York Mega Millions winners found out.

I'm going to reveal some secret numbers to you I've never given out anywhere. Some will make your jaw drop with astonishment.

Here goes...

1. The Silver Lotto websites gets on average 125,000 unique visitors a month. That's over 4,000 a day.

So well over a million interested folk have been looking at us over the 10 months of this year, and it isn't December yet!

2. This blog - The Lotto Life, gets as many as 3,000 visitors a day.

It has long passed 2 million views in less than two years.

3. This newsletter goes out to over 55,000 avid readers each day. And growing daily.

And get this...

For all those giant numbers, there is only one solitary person behind it all.


And I do it with just my tiny brain, a lot of willpower, and my trusty Mac.

Here's some more mind-numbing numbers...

Over 95% of committed Silver Lotto players win a prize in their lottery with my System.

I have hundreds and hundreds of recent testimonials... so many I haven't bothered to count them, or the hundreds more that I haven't put up on my sites.

So with all these fantastic numbers as hard evidence, why haven't YOU yet...

- Bought my System? or

- Upgraded to LottoPredict? or

- Bought your PRO Custom Profiles?

Each of these products get you winning faster and with less money.

The numbers prove that my System is a winner in many ways. Oh, did I mention we've been the No.1 most effective lottery program for over 22 years?

That's because I get results like this testimonial:


Ken Silver, Still shaking from my win, bought your Silver Lotto system last year and have played lotto regularly since, definite small wins and a few no wins, until last night. Checked my ticket online and I have won 1st division $22,236,652.87.
Your system works.
Regards, Jason