The 8 powerful words movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn uttered to help you win the lottery faster

The famous film mogul Samuel Goldwyn once said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

  Photo: Stock

What if you knew today that you could win the lotto jackpot at the end of the next 100 games you played. How fast would you go to finish those games?

I'm sure you would be playing like a person possessed night and day until the magic figure was reached.

Of course, no-one can predict winning with such certainty. We all need a small amount of good luck. 

Film producer Samuel Goldwyn seen outside his studios in Hollywood as a young producer, and later in life (inset)   Photo: Supplied

But the interesting fact about luck is that it can be accelerated... it can be made to go faster.

Famous film mogul Samuel Goldwyn once said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

It also applies to speed-winning.

All you need to do is increase the rate at which you do everything. To win fast and more often, play fast and more often.

TIP: Just step on the fast pedal to speed up the whole process

Here are 3 tips for doing that:

  1. Instead of buying 5 tickets a time, buy 50 in the same game.

  2. Only playing one game each time? Try 2 or more games at the same time.

  3. Spread your chances around by trying other kinds of games. These are the ones you would normally not play because the odds were too high or the prize was too low. Experiment a little.

Use those tips and now you can win more frequently as I did - by playing more games.

The Magic Word is frequency. The more you play, the more you win!

Increase your play frequency many times more, and you'll see a huge increase in your win rate.

 POLL  How often do you play the lottery?