How to win more lottery prizes using this single tip


It only took a single ticket for Ronnie Orender (center) to win $32.3 million in the New York Mega Millions.

Jim emailed me: "Ken, I notice you write a lot about setting goals and persistence. Why do I need all this focus stuff? Can't your system give me all the answers?"

I'm going to reply by saying one thing that I've mentioned constantly about my system. And it's this...

My System gets you close to the winning numbers but won't tell you when you will win. You need to persist until that happens.

Wait a moment, you say. What about your LottoPredict... Isn't that meant to make my play more accurate?

Yes, it does. But it's more effective for telling you when to play, and when not to play.

You can waste a lot of money if you only played on the game days when your numbers aren't a good match. And the only way you'll know which day is best is by using LottoPredict.

The reality is that when you play the lottery to win, you still have to persist.

Just like some winners who have played for years before they get any prize.

But the difference is that Silver Lotto System players are a lot further up the winning scale. They win often.

I get as high as a 98% win rate - that's a prize in nearly every game I play. Sometimes the prize is a big one in the thousands, other times it's less.

But every winning ticket has the chance to be millions.

I played your Silver Lottery for 3 weeks and got $75,000 between 2 games. To say I'm amazed is an understatement. My family have just been told and it is like a giant birthday for them. I will be sending my daughter on a trip next weekend and paying the bills too. Thank you again for all your help.  
Joan    (jw*********