How lottery players can be happier with this daily 5-minute secret
/Happiness expert Justin Cohen believes he has the answer for dispirited lottery winners.
Imagine you won the lottery! Happy? Justin Cohen says actually - if you're like most people - six months after your win, you're no happier than you were before.
If you’re a lottery player and haven’t won yet, this technique will work too.
When you do a 5-minute mental activity each week, he says your happiness will climb by 25%.
Justin explained that many lotto winners get a big boost in happiness after their win. Yet a University of California study found that within a few months their happiness drops back down to pre-winning levels.
But he says you can change that and he explains how.

Dr. Robert Emmons got a group of people to write down five things they were grateful for at the end of each week, and continued it for 10 weeks. Two and a half months later the group showed a 25% increase in happiness.
How can expressing gratitude increase happiness more than winning millions? Justin says it has to do with the way we quickly become desensitized to new things.
"Have you noticed that when you get a new car, house, outfit or sometimes, partner, you're really only excited for a few weeks, days or sometimes minutes?"
"It's the law of diminishing returns," he said. "Over time we tend to get less pleasure out of the things we have. Psychologists call this "habituation".
"So how can you create your own law of increasing returns? The answer is gratitude. When you give thanks you refocus your attention on what you have, re-sensitizing you to its pleasure. Think of it as an appreciation reboot."
Watch the video and find out in detail how you can boost your happiness - lottery winner or not.
ABOUT: Justin Cohen is a professional speaker and author of four books & seven audiobooks. As a leading authority on human potential, with a postgraduate degree in Psychology, Justin Cohen speaks and trains internationally in the fields of motivation, sales, service and leadership.