How badly do you want to win the lottery? Here's 3 questions to ask yourself
/Happy on the day of their $51 Million check presentation: Etta May Urquhart, center, son Ronnie Orender, right, and her husband, Bob, pictured left.
When you see many lottery winners, like the Urquharts, it's easy to think that winning can be controlled.
I got an email the other day from someone who hadn't bought my System yet. He wanted to know exactly when he would win... date, time, amount.
And when I couldn't tell him (as no-one else can either) he said he wasn't interested.
His problem? He suffered from a lack of Prize Desire. In other words, he was not willing to take a chance... even with the high - up to 98% - the rate of wins my System will give him.
But I see it all the time... buyers wanting certainty in an uncertain world, and so they are unwilling to take a chance.
If you have this problem, your prize desire is not high enough.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to reduce the problems that are stopping you from winning:

1. - What are you aiming for? Is it a modest $1 million like 51% of the readers who took our poll? (right).
A million dollars may not be much these days, but if you are on a pension you'll be able to make this amount last a lifetime.
I suggest you play the games with the highest 3-star rating from LottoPredict for quickest results in small prize games.
2. - What's your timeframe? How long do you expect to take to get a win? Many of our Silverite dropouts have unrealistic expectations.
They want to believe that 4 weeks of trying will give them what they want. The reality is that regular winning might take longer, especially if they have limited funds for the tickets.
You should not expect miracles on $10 a game. Many of our players spend 20-$50 a game.
3. - If you get a larger prize than you expect, have you planned for it? If suddenly you won $220 million like Powerball winner Brad Duke, instead of just a few thousand you were expecting - then you better have some plans for giving some of it away.
Large amounts require more thought and planning. Have you made a charity plan?
Powerball $220 million winner Brad Duke (pictured above) gives a lot to charity.
When you list the benefits of winning, you'll find there are far more than you'd ever expect. Complete freedom in almost every part of your life is the main reason people play to win.
Giving up because you're not promised a win?
Or because it takes 30 minutes to fill out your tickets, instead of having them handed to you already done?
These events are very small compared to the vast prize money potential ahead.
Can you make the grade? Is your Prize Desire high enough?