Here's 10 ways you can live a better life before you win the lottery
/You don’t need to win the lottery to change and improve a lot of your daily life. I rarely put up with anything negative these days, and as a result have broken a few bad habits.
For example, I used to leave the good drink glasses in the cupboard and take the mismatched ones, figuring it would save wear on the good ones.
Nowadays I ignore all that. I use the good glasses and have thrown out the mismatched ones. And feel a lot better for doing it.
Everything is different when you win the lottery. Prepare for it!
The concept is really important when you win the lottery. You'll be unconsciously taking your old habits with you into your new life of money.
People will look at you funny if you tuck your napkin into your collar in a ritzy restaurant. Not that it's important these days, but if you keep a match with your new money, life will flow better.
However, here's some ideas you might change before you become rich to make life easier and more fun:
Try to get more free time. Free time makes you creative. Find some time you don't need - like watching tv for an hour, and use it to just relax. It'll give you a real brain boost. (Don't meditate - that practice dulls the senses and reduces ambition).
Leave a light on. The Queen of England wanders round turning off lights at the palace to save power, so we're told. Even if that were true, it doesn't apply to us if a light turned off makes your place dark and depressing. Leave it on instead. The extra few cents a day won't send you broke. But it will do wonders for you personally.
Are you on a diet? Take one day a week off, and pig out. Switch that chosen day around so your body doesn't know when to expect it. Your diet will progress faster and you'll feel much better for it.
Use newly washed pillowcases. All the time. I have mine done by the laundry service, and I change them every second day. Try it. It makes you feel like a winner every day!
Throw out one junk item you own and replace with a quality one. We used hand operated can openers for years, and they were hard work. When I bought an automatic opener a few years back that really worked (many don't), it was a magical experience. Now opening cans is fun, and gives us a lift each time.
Never use plastic cups or paper plates. You're saving nothing except washing, and it makes you feel cheap. Crockery is the way to go, and in these climate-change, Covid days, it’s better for the environment.
Dress up, not down for work or home. If your work allows you to wear jeans and a T - and that's how you dress each day - then spend a couple of days of the week and dress up in a blazer or suit. You feel more important, and people will take you more seriously. The same goes for home too.
Stock one luxury food in your pantry. Never tasted caviar? It's not that expensive in small amounts. Buy a small jar and try it. Or an expensive sauce. It's a low cost way to bring a small taste of luxury into your life.
Replace one item you use every day with a quality one. Watch tv a lot? Buy the best screen you can afford. Drive a car, ride a bicycle, use a shaver, carry a handbag? Get the best you can afford. It makes you feel special every day, believe me.
Wash and vacuum your car regularly. Washing your car increases its value by keeping the paintwork nice, and inside you feel good in a clean car. I rarely travel in anyone's car these days, but I get to peek into a few. And without exception I find most people use their cars as a mobile rubbish tip. The difference in a clean car makes you feel like you're driving first class.

When you pamper yourself, every day makes a difference.
These actions are generally cheap 'n easy to do, but they make an enormous difference in the way you feel about yourself.
And for that reason you should try at least one of them when you don't have money. It will give you the feel of what it's like to be wealthy one day. Call it a practice run.