Will you run out of puff before your lottery money does? 7 ways you can live longer to enjoy it

Will you run out of puff before your lottery money does? 7 ways you can live longer to enjoy it

Getting a lot of money is no fun if you have to spend it on hospital bills and aged care homes.

No matter what age you are, you need to make sure your life is running at 100% so you can enjoy your lottery prizes for a long time. Here's 7 ideas that will bring the color back to your cheeks, and let you live longer and healthier:

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RICH IS: Eating NY Chef's Specialty - Chicken Wings Covered In GOLD Dust [VIDEO]

RICH IS: Eating NY Chef's Specialty - Chicken Wings Covered In GOLD Dust [VIDEO]

This is what $1,000 buys every jackpot lottery winner - chicken wings cooked by celebrity chef Jonathon Cheban (right) of The Ainsworth in New York City.

The wings are brined in a lemon and bay leaf mix for 12 hours before they are fried and dunked in liquid gold. The wings are coated in 24k gold dust worth $200 each.

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WINNING NUMBERS: 10 Year-Old Girl Instantly Recognizes My Healthy Breakfast

My breakfast cereal was instantly recognized by our granddaughter.

Our granddaughter was staying with us for a couple of days. This morning we were eating breakfast.

Now, like many kids of her generation, she has acquired tastes. And it's not like ours.

So, as she was eating her special sugarpuff cereal, she looked over and saw my bowl.

"Healthy!" she said with a smile as she scooped her sugar-laden flakes up.

How did she know? What was it about my breakfast that caused her to say that?

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Don't Have The Willpower To Win The Lottery? Here's The 2-Step Secret!

Sisters shared the $2.9 million Washington Lotto jackpot. Beverly (r) said she always knew she would win - great example of willpower! PHOTO

A while back I stepped up to the scales in my bathroom.

They are not electronic. I don't like the zero point accuracy. I don't believe it helps anyone when they trying to drop some fat.

These scales are a classic design that looks very attractive in silver and gray. It has to be good looking, since I'm staring at it every week.

But this day I got an unpleasant surprise.

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WACKY WISDOM: You Can Never Be Too Thin Or Too (Lottery Winning) Rich!

You tell yourself you need to lose some pounds, but can't decide which diet to go on.

One popular book tells you something, and two weeks later tv's Dr Phil tells you something else. And there are side effects too.

Former US president Bill Clinton went on a popular diet, then had to have heart surgery a short time later.

What really works? Confusing isn't it?

Occasionally I get emails asking me how my Silver Lotto System compares to other systems. Just like trying to figure out diet plans.

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