Forgot The Milk? What About Forgetting To Claim A $23 Million Lottery Ticket!

With just a month to claim her Mega Millions prize, the woman's image was splashed around the media in order to identify her.

Forgotten the milk? That's easy - you've got a lot on your mind and you can always pop back to the store. But a $23 million lottery ticket is a different brain fade altogether.

Fox News featured the story and the remarkable happy ending for the claim.

That's what happened to a Mega Millions winner who almost lost $23 million because she failed to come forward.

Store manager Ben Sabi talks about meeting the customer and persuading her to buy the winning ticket.

Lottery officials tracked her down using the store cctv and local media, and she was united with her check a short time later. Watch the story unfold as the winner is discovered: