This Card From My Wife Brought A Tear To My Eye. But Not For The Reason You'd Expect
/When my wife gave me this card out of the blue, I was touched. It brought a tear to my eye, partly for her caring thought.
But the tear was more for recognition of another trait the card pointed out. If you look closely, you'll see that one fish is swimming the other way.
And that's me, I know. Here's why...
All my life I've swum against the tide, pushing against the crowd and refusing to compromise if I believed I was right.
This anti-social personality quirk has enabled me to bypass convention and go in directions that other people would ignore.
And my Silver Lotto System is the result.
Because I looked for the undiscovered hidden formula that most people can't recognise, and gave it to people who need it.
I occasionally get emails from my Silverites after they bought my System, saying: "I hope your system helps me win Ken, since my husband/wife/partner thinks I'm crazy."
And I know they are pushing the boundaries, and they will win. Most of us do.
Our small group of plucky Silverites... lottery winners and strivers... know that when the world's against us, it makes us even more determined to push on.
Which way are you swimming today?
1. Get the System with LottoPredict
2. Add PRO Custom Profiles