Clockmaker Chris Hated Figures, So I Gave Him A $10,000 Bonus Shortcut
/"I can't even balance my checkbook," he said. "So how am I gonna figure out these lottery figures!"
Chris was a 47 year-old neighbor who loved working with his hands.
He had expanded his hobby, and built exquisite grandfather clocks that sold for thousands of dollars each. But he hated figures.
He desperately wanted to win the lottery to make his family's future more secure.
"Sure, I can keep building cabinets and clocks forever," he told me. "But each one takes a lot of time. They're never going to let me retire rich."
He realized more than anyone that he was working for an hourly rate. And when he stopped working, his income would dry up.
So I told him about my Custom Profiles. How the numbers were all done for him and all he had to do was transfer them to his lottery tickets.
"Looks easy enough," he agreed. "But I don't have time to do that every week."
What I told him next hit him like a bolt of lightning.
"You mean I never have to fill out these suckers ever again?" he said, putting his tools down and picking up the sheet of figures.
He already had the Silver Lotto System, bought itl years ago. It lay dusty, unused, in one of his workshop drawers. He'd printed it out, but never got round to filling in his tickets.
I promised that when he got his Custom Profiles, it would only took a couple of minutes to fill out enough tickets for a $10 play.
I got the phone call a couple of months later, his excited voice booming down the phone.
He had won $10,000, and had only spent $40 in tickets. And he'd also just sold another clock for more than $1,000.
Life was good... he could pay a few bills at last.
We talked more about his winning, and how he would spend the money taking his family to meet distant relatives and buying more wood for his work.
I love success stories!
Custom Profiles are perfect if you already have the Silver Lotto System and hate figures like Chris:
1. Get the System with LottoPredict
2. Add PRO Custom Profiles