How these two words are blocking you from winning the lottery
/Times are changing in the lottery world with winner Eddie Lee wearing a mask, but other things stay the same.
I'm going to share how two words have influenced one of my daughters and how it affects you winning the lottery. But let me explain first what those words are.
They are Average Ambition.
Average Ambition is stopping you from really getting the wins you deserve.
Here's why...
Most of us lead average lives. We do our job, muddle round in retirement, play sport without much success (but probably great enjoyment), and generally just fill in life's gaps.
For the most part, we are doing what philosopher Henry David Thoreau described: "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

And I believe it is because we have Average Ambition. A few years back, one of my daughters recently broke her own personal best freediving record. At one time she was one of the top 3 divers in the world. She's a natural diver, and loves the sport.
But to get to that level so fast, she had to become almost obsessive about it. Not for her the Average Ambition of others. She was intensely dedicated. Her passion for the sport was evident, and because of that, she did well.
You might be surprised to know that the same passion will actually improve your lottery winnings too. Because if you have an obsession with winning, you will not miss a game.
You will turn up at the lottery store rain or shine. It is essential to play every game you can, and many players lost out by not playing when they had a chance:
Ken, I am sorry to say that I had all 5 numbers for the Illinois Little Lotto last Thursday and did not play unfortunately... resulting in my not winning the $175,000 pot.
Larry C.
Your strong interest will ensure you have enough investment for your game too.
Rose H. gave up smoking to play more lottery games and found an extra $40 a week when she kicked the habit. The move was better for her health too.
When you increase your passion and involvement, you'll find more ways to improve your game. The best way is using tools built for the job like our LottoPredict which helps you spend your play money wisely.
And then you should step up to PRO to make every week count. As your interest grows, you'll probably start looking for games with bigger jackpots.
And as you write your winning goals down each day and review them, you'll get caught up in the excitement.
From there you'll get results and build on your strengths to go higher. To go from Average Ambition to a winning passion is easy.
1. Simply reflect on what you want from your wins.
2. Then make sure that you spend some time daily visualizing your goals.
Write your bold ambitions down in a diary - don't hold back - and look at them each morning and night before you retire. The power of goal-setting... even for a random event like a lottery win... is proven to increase your chances, no question. It helped my daughter in her competitive water sport and it has helped me achieve many things too.
Combine passion with the power of RFA... Relentless Focused Action! Leave others to sort out their Average Ambitions, and shoot for the moon!
Start by adding the products you need from the STORE menu above, and you won't have regrets because you failed to take action:
Don't let Average Ambition stop you from getting the wins you rightly deserve!