What can you change about your weekend to achieve lottery winning success?

What can you change about your weekend to achieve lottery winning success?

All Sundays are the same for UK winner Ron Elliot who won £8 million on a Saturday night, but went to work on Sunday as usual in his job as a care home assistant. Photo: Daily Mail

It is Sunday morning here, and I’m working. And I’m enjoying it. But how many other people who are working look forward to the coming week like winner Ron Elliot and me?

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How to beat even the worst lottery odds in your next game

How to beat even the worst lottery odds in your next game

Want a pile of money? This what it looks like. Robert and Tonya Harris look at cardboard money representing their Georgia MegaMillions $275 million win. PHOTO: toledoBlade

The media are fond of putting out extraordinarily hopeless odds in any major game. They do it because it's attention-seeking and good for readership. But they have it completely wrong.

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