Sorry, LottoPredict is only available to Silver Lotto System owners
Now Start Winning FASTER And Paying LESS For Tickets With My Weekly Prediction Service
LottoPredict is the biggest breakthrough since I invented the Silver Lotto System back in 1991
Many years ago, I was sitting in a rented farmhouse trying to figure out how to win the lottery.
And less than a couple of years later I discovered the Silver Lotto System formula that gave me winnings of over $2 million on paper. I was set for life.
Or was I?
Because many times in the years afterward I would come away from the lotto store with zero winnings. The excitement of getting multiple wins in past weeks suddenly disappeared as sometimes NONE of my tickets won a cent that week.
This went on for years until suddenly the penny dropped.
I was buying tickets at the wrong times but once I discovered why, it all changed!
There's a sequence to winning numbers. You've probably noticed that some weeks your numbers are so far out it's unbelievable. Then, the following week you get a series of wins that make you wonder what went wrong.
As soon as I discovered this pattern, I jumped on it. Because number patterns are my business.
It took many more long months before I was able to break the code, and LottoPredict was born.
I first named it Lotto-80 because it had a reliability win factor of at least 80%, but as it improved I changed the name a few years ago.
Now LottoPredict is the biggest factor in my System for improving your wins
Along with the 80% improvement that the Silver Lotto System gave meant that both boosted the total win rate up to an amazing 92%. Suddenly I could choose when to buy my tickets. And my winnings climbed rapidly.
This breakthrough gave the whole system a boost and made it what it is today - a hugely efficient form of lottery winning for serious players.
And a climb to over 98% win rate for me and many others.
So while you can use the Silver Lotto System quite happily, even playing with as little as $10 a game, your chances will be vastly improved each time when you use the LottoPredict chart.
It's been a long time since I sat in the cramped room I called my home office at a remote farmhouse. Sheets of paper spread all over the desk. A solitary light shining each night for the years I tried to break the lottery winning code.
The result is what you see today.
LottoPredict has been so effective that I've never needed to change it. I just update the figures from time to time as more research improves the averages.
Today you can buy my years of research for just a few dollars. I keep prices this low because I want I share my secret and improve the lives of many winners.
This is how LottoPredict gets you the amazing results that other systems can only dream about
LottoPredict is simple to understand and use because I've done all the hard work. Each week I calculate which of the world's lottery games have the best chance of winning when used with your Silver Lotto System.
For you, the lottery player, it can't get any easier, and here’s how.
The 2-Second formula
Just login to your LottoPredict membership and see immediately if you should play - or save your money by waiting for the next game.

You'll choose from among 56 games and 115 game days in the chart. In LottoPredict you select your game and check out the colored box alongside.
The colored boxes will tell you how well this game will match your Silver Lotto System for the next lottery you're going to play for the upcoming week.
LottoPredict tells you whether you should play this week - or to save your money for a better week. And you can decide in less than a couple of seconds!
No complex sums
No pens or pencil calculations
No adding, subtracting
No playing around with figures
No guessing which week is the best one to play!
Just log into your System membership site and look for your game on the LottoPredict chart. You'll get an instant decision that tells you whether you should play this week, or save your money for the next game.
Here's a roundup of the advantages of using LottoPredict for everyday play:
It will save you a lot of wasted play money. Imagine not playing one week, and welcoming a chance to save your money for the next game.
You only play when the conditions are right. Each time you see the green square against your game, you know your win chances are higher.
You don't have to worry about whether your play money is being spent correctly. No more regrets!
Thousands of winners have used LottoPredict. You can see some of them in the Winners section.
LottoPredict helps you win faster and more often
You get full access to all these games that cover 115 game days.
Australia - 6/45
Australia - Gold Lotto
Australia - Mon&Wed Lotto
Australia - Oz Lotto
Australia - Powerball
Australia - X Lotto
British Columbia - BC49
Canada - Atlantic 49
Canada - Lotto 649
Canada - Lotto MAX 7/49
Canada - Ontario 49
Canada - Western 649
Greece - Lotto
Ireland - National Lotto
New Zealand - Lotto
Philippines - Lotto 6/42
Singapore - Toto
South Africa - National Lotto
South Africa - Powerball
UK - National Lottery
UK - EuroMillions
USA Lotto America
USA Megabucks - TriState
USA MegaMillions
USA PowerBall
USA - Arizona The Pick
USA - California - Super Lotto Plus
USA - Colorado - Lotto
USA - Connecticut - Classic Lotto
USA - Florida - Lotto
USA - Georgia Jumbo Bucks
USA - Illinois - Lotto
USA - Indiana - Hoosier Lottery
USA - Louisiana - Lotto
USA - Massachusetts Megabucks
USA - Michigan Classic Lotto 47
USA - Missouri - Lotto
USA - New Jersey - Pick Six
USA - New York - Lotto
USA - Ohio Classic Lotto
USA - Oregon - MegaBucks
USA - Pennsylvania Match 6 Lotto
USA - Texas - Lotto Texas
USA - Virginia Bank A Million
USA - Washington - Lotto
USA - Wisconsin Megabucks
NOTE: You first need to own the Silver Lotto System to order your LottoPredict.
If you already own the Silver Lotto System, just login here to your Silver Lotto Membership Site.
Then order from the LOTTOPREDICT menu inside.
Don't have the Silver Lotto System yet?
Just order the System below to get started. Then you can get LottoPredict from the menu inside your membership site.
Or you can choose the Lifetime Pack which includes LottoPredict, and you’ll have nothing further to pay:

Play All Games Worldwide
Lifetime Unlimited Access
Lifetime Online Membership
No further payment
Free Coaching
24/7 Support
One-Time Price
Play All Games Worldwide
Lifetime Unlimited Access
Lifetime Online Membership
No further payment
Free Coaching
24/7 Support
Normally over $400
One-time Price
Lifetime Online Membership
Lifetime Unlimited Subscription
★ PRO Custom Profiles
3-mth Free Subscription
Nothing more to pay