Watch out for these lottery 'winning' emails that will empty your wallet
If you don't remember entering a lottery game and buying a ticket, then every email like the one above is fraudulent. It reads:
Dear Ken,
Hello. I was wondering if you could clarify this for me. A few days ago I received the following message on my mobile phone:
You won: 720,000 pounds on the drawing no: #2112
Please email us to claim your prize:
Of course I didnt believe it and think it is a scam as when I sent it the email address as above they came back saying I would need to send either 500 or 350 pounds so that the courier could send me the money. If it is too good to be true then it probably is.........
Your thoughts??
My answer was the same for every question I get like this:
Don't waste your time reading it
Don't reply
Don't ask for details
Don't send an email to them
Don't send money
Don't phone them
In fact, just delete their email and forget it. There are no genuine lottery winning emails if you didn't buy a ticket. If in doubt, don't do anything.
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